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心态清单, 又名“总是/从不”列表, 是bet亚洲365欢迎投注即将到来的大学生的要点汇编吗. Created at Beloit College in 1998 to reflect the world view of entering first year students—and to help faculty understand incoming classes—the list started with the members of the class of 2002, 1980年出生者. 2019年,该清单转移到bet亚洲365欢迎投注,成为bet亚洲365欢迎投注心态清单. 这份榜单被广泛认为是文化的试金石.


































在英语副教授Tommy Zurhellen的指导下, 艺术及数码媒体助理教授李玉珍, 以及刑事司法助理教授凡妮莎·林恩, 2027届毕业生的名单将是第四次完全由bet亚洲365欢迎投注编制. The team has established the list as “a cultural compass that tracks the challenges and celebrates the accomplishments of each incoming college class.”

bet亚洲365欢迎投注教师的指导下,今年的榜单由10个项目组成. 由英语副教授Tommy Zurhellen领导, Marist心态清单的目标是激发深思熟虑的对话. Each list item on the list for the Class of 2027 was the result of research and discussion, and links to the background sources are included here to encourage delving into the topic areas.


1. 音乐

The online music site Pandora launched in 2005, the year many incoming students were born. 现在, 多亏了潘多拉和Spotify等网站上的老音乐, incoming students are just as likely to be listening to Led Zeppelin as Lana del Rey or Lil’ Baby on their phones.

2. 新闻

丹·拉瑟和泰德·科佩尔都在2005年退休, effectively ending the reign of network news programs as the primary way younger Americans get their news. 18年后, 2027届毕业生将主要从Youtube等社交媒体网站获取新闻, Instagram和抖音, 根据美国新闻研究所.

3. 环境科学

新生们一直生活在一个明显受到气候变化影响的世界里. In 2005, Hurricane Katrina and Hurricane Rita brought unprecedented devastation to the southern United States, serving as warnings for extreme weather events which have become more frequent as ocean temperatures continue to rise.

4. 电影 & 电视

Youtube成立于2005年, 同年电视节目《bet亚洲365欢迎投注》, 《bet亚洲365欢迎投注》和《bet亚洲365欢迎投注》是收视率最高的电视剧. 18年后, the class of 2027 will almost exclusively watch their video content on Youtube and similar sites online.

5. 教育

The Class of 2027 will be the first to fully integrate ChatGPT or “Generative Pre-trained Transformer” into their college learning experience. ChatGPT will be “used by educational institutions to assist students with course material or answer general queries about university life more efficiently than before, which allows them to focus more time on other areas of importance like research projects or teaching activities instead of mundane administrative tasks”

6. 媒体研究

有人说,“Z世代的活跃注意力持续时间只有1.3秒.但2027届的学生将学习像书籍这样的长篇内容, video and podcasts that break through the noise of social 媒体 to capture their attention. 例如, last year young-adult fiction sales increased by 31 percent in the United States while podcast listens increased by 62 percent.

7. 游戏 & 新兴媒体

The Class of 2027 are interested in contemporary art that integrates video games or gamification to explore ideas of land, Indigeneity, 未来的主体和反叙事对主导历史的记录. 汉斯·乌尔里希·奥布里斯特预测道, “电子游戏之于21世纪,就像电影之于20世纪, 以及19世纪的小说. 如今,美术人员开发自己的游戏环境要容易得多.”

8. 出国留学

对于即将入学的学生来说,出国留学越来越有吸引力. Study abroad programs are using a post-pandemic world to reimagine global education experiences. Studying overseas might involve more hybrid or virtual opportunities to deliver courses and learn from different cultures.

9. 体育交流

即将入学的学生运动员现在可以用NIL(姓名,图像和肖像)赚钱了. 并不是所有的学生都能从中受益, however; NIL is mostly prevalent in basketball, 足球, 棒球和曲棍球. Critics are calling for regulations to provide guidelines to prevent favoring certain athletics programs over others. 这将如何改变未来几年的大学体育?

10. 电影研究

Incoming students often quote the TV show “The Office,” although the program ended its run in 2013. The characters are omnipresent in today's college culture and the show is now a cultural phenomenon thanks to its rebirth via Netflix and short-form streaming services.

由汤姆·迈克布莱德和罗恩Nief于1998年在Beloit学院创作, the list was meant to reflect the world view of entering first year students—and to help faculty understand incoming classes—the list started with the members of the class of 2002, 1980年出生者. 从那以后的20年里, “心态清单”一直是社交能力的重要标志, 经济, and cultural change for successive generations as they have progressed through American institutions of higher education.

以快时尚为标志, 政治, 气候变化, 全球流行病, 2026届毕业生的生活经历各不相同. 

读读《bet亚洲365欢迎投注》吧 > 

2025届毕业生重新发现了文字的力量, 重新定义大学经历, 并被授权做出积极的改变.

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读一读2024届大学毕业生的马克思主义心态清单 >

Born in 2001 the incoming class of college students never shared the earth with Joey Ramone, 乔治·哈里森, 蒂莫西·麦克维, 或者肯·凯西.

他们的同学中可能有比莉·艾利什, 萨莎奥巴马, 或者巨石强森的女儿西蒙娜.

  1. 就像他们祖父母的珍珠港, 为他们的父母刺杀肯尼迪, 9/11是一个历史事件. 
  2. 拇指,跳跃和USB闪存驱动器总是将软盘推向历史.
  3. 手机的主要用途一直是拍照.
  4. 这个国家的口号一直是:“如果你看到了什么,就说出来。.”
  5. 科技四巨头——苹果, 脸谱网, Amazon and Google -- are to them what the Big Three automakers were to their grandparents.
  6. 他们的智能笔书写和记录的速度可能比他们思考的还要快.
  7. 他们这一代人中有近一半是有色人种.
  8. 当他们第一次从地板上爬起来的时候, 他们可能一直抱着人家的新Xbox.
  9. There have always been indecisive quadrennial debates regarding the future of the Electoral College.
  10. 俄克拉荷马城的中心一直有一座国家纪念碑.
  11. 自给自足的、由电池供电的人造心脏一直在滴答作响.
  12. 因为理查德·里德30岁时穿的爆炸鞋,000英尺, passengers have always had to take off their shoes to slide through security on the ground. 
  13. They are as non-judgmental about sexual orientation as their parents were about smoking pot. 
  14. 它们比iTunes更长寿.
  15. 令人发指的, sexually-based offenses have always been investigated by the Special Victims Unit on Law and Order.
  16. The Mars Odyssey has always been checking out the water supply for their future visits to Mars.
  17. Snapchat已经成为他们首选的社交媒体应用, 这样他们就摆脱了要不要加妈妈为好友的困境.    
  18. 欧洲国家一直通过北约帮助保卫美国的领土,这是前所未有的举动.S. 在军事上.
  19. 他们很可能没有弟弟妹妹,因为美国的出生率正在下降.S. 从他们上文法学校开始就在下降吗.
  20. 贝宝一直是购买者的在线选择.
  21. 他们见证了两位非裔美国人出任国务卿, 黑人总统的选举, 迪士尼的第一位黑人公主, 以及“黑人的命也是命”运动的兴起.
  22. As they crawled on the floor, TV headlines began crawling at the bottom of the TV screen. 
  23. “粉红黏液”一直是一种食品添加剂.
  24. 与立交桥, 荣誉卫队, 和“上帝保佑美国”,“体育赛事总是以强烈的爱国主义为标志. 
  25. 这一代人中只有三分之二的人认为自己是完全异性恋.
  26. 赛格威一直试图彻底改变人们的移动方式. 
  27. YouTube已经成为视频版的维基百科.
  28. 国际刑事法院一直以来都有,而美国也没有.S. 从来没有签署过.
  29. 纽芬兰和拉布拉多的官方名称一直是纽芬兰和拉布拉多.
  30. 一直都有一个美国塔利班.
  31. 到他们大二的时候,他们这代人将占美国学生总数的四分之一.S. 人口.
  32. 苹果(Apple)的ipod总是很怀旧.
  33. 他们一直都能乘坐捷蓝航空,但泰德和宋却不能.
  34. 四分卫特洛伊·艾克曼总是在新闻发布台上直播比赛.
  35. It has always been illegal to use a hand-held cell phone while driving in New York State.
  36. Except for when he celebrated Jeopardy’s 35th anniversary, Alex Trebek has never had a moustache.
  37. 人脸识别技术一直被用于公共活动
  38. 熟练的dj已经转型为唱机师.
  39. Apple Power Mac Cube一直都在博物馆里. 
  40. The year they were born, the top NBA draft pick came directly out of high school for the first time.
  41. 他们一直担心感染西尼罗河病毒.
  42. 东京一直都有迪斯尼乐园.
  43. They have grown up with Big Data and ubiquitous algorithms that know what they want before they do.
  44. 他们中的大多数人会租课本,而不是买. 
  45. 他们可能都被“煤气灯”或“鬼影”了.”
  46. 一直都有“智能手表”.”
  47. 他们祖父母的经典漫画已经演变成图画小说.
  48. They have grown up with a Patriot Act that has dramatically increased state surveillance to prevent terrorism.
  49. 除颤器使用起来一直很简单,可以在家里安装.
  50. 匹兹堡钢人队和海盗队从未在三河体育场比赛过.
  51. 国会一直完全禁止克隆人类,并威胁要逮捕违法者.
  52. 在阿拉巴马州伯明翰杀害四名女学生的凶手中,至少有一名. 1963年一直在监狱里.
  53. 莫妮卡和钱德勒在《bet亚洲365欢迎投注》里一直是结婚的.
  54. 黑板从来都不是哑巴.
  55. 天主教教皇总是访问清真寺.
  56. 小卡尔·瑞普肯.他一直都是退休的.
  57. 美国.S. 一直退出《bet亚洲365欢迎投注》.
  58. 在荷兰,安乐死一直是合法的.
  59. 世界各地的团队一直在进行一场惊人的比赛.  
  60. 可口可乐和百事可乐一直在运动补水科学市场上竞争.






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汤姆·迈克布莱德他是Beloit学院英语名誉教授,也是Mindset List的联合创始人

罗恩Nief他是Beloit学院公共关系名誉主任,也是Mindset List的联合创始人








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